What Dave likes to do on the cruise.....

What I like to do on the cruise!! Something for everyone.

We ate at this Mexican restaurant in Cozumel and the waiter didn't speak English and we don't speak Spanish and so there was a lot of pointing to pictures and "muy biens" The food was muy bien, look at my plate.

We rented a scooter and scootered around the island this is a picture from my view. The ocean was beautiful, so blue.

We watched these waves come up and hit the rock and then spray up it was so cool.

Love the helmuts they make you wear. I hopped on the back and away we went. This sign is sign of a little beach park where we hung out and snorkled for a while.
Funny story, when we parked a little mexican man took it upon himself to put cardboard on our scooter. And sit by the scooters and watch over them ( and then they want 20$). We were ready to hit the road and the little man was gone. We started upt he scooter and started scootering away and little man came ruuning out after us. We kept right on chugging.

This little beach park was so relaxing. The hammocks the blue water the heat. Loved it.

Can't wait to go back, loved it.

Love the sand between the toes, it feels so nice and warm.

Just for you Gavin and Noah.

Our nightly picture. Thanks for borrowing your dress to me Lindsey. Love NCL!
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