Thursday, November 13, 2008

Jaba's Revenge!! Death by Play-Doh

Even from the grave Jaba was able to pull of the most creative death for his foes. They never saw it coming, those swirly bits of white, red, blue and yellow (sorry, Marcia I tried so hard to keep the colors separated, but to no avail).

Chewy attempted a brave escape, but met the same fate as the others.

They rest peacefully now, back in the action figure bin with Buzz, Iron Man and Optimus.

Would Noah the Hut only leave fallen heros? No, no...a plastic hot dog was in the mix as well?!?

I went to clean up the play-doh tonight after the kids went to bed and this is what I found on the table! Laughing, I called Dave over to come and join the amusement. Not to clean this event up before pictures and already thinking of blog titles, then to find the plastic hot dog? I love to find his little creations, wondering what he's thinking. Maybe food for their final moments of agony? I can't wait to talk to him about it tomorrow. I'll let you know what he says....... stay blogged! I have some other pictures I need to take and post of Noah's world.

(I talked to to Noah this morning and asked him about his creation and he said, "I just used the them to make legs for my bug." Plain and simple was the explanation, no evil plot from Jaba - just legs for his bug. :) )

October Fests

Yay!! My first "Happy Bir-day" (AKA her first birthday party invite!!) (Yay! She gets to wear the hat!)

Here is the Apple Sauce that Dave (yes, he can make apple sauce too) and I made. I gave a little to Gavin to try and he said, and I quote, "this is better than apple sauce from the store"

Our most favorite people in the world came for Halloween. Grandma and Briggs & Stratton.
Above: Grandma made flubber, which was absolutely, no she is absolutely awesome! Thank your for taking all our calls no matter what time of the day or night it is, no matter the subject matter.
Below: Our other favorites came and we went to Toys R Us on Halloween, they handed out free bags and buckets for candy. There's Noah and Jeoffry, we like giraffes.

Here's my babies. Here's my attempt, I repeat, attempt at creative photography at the zoo. Here's my publicizing that I took my oldest son out of school and brought my kids to the zoo. Do I regret it? No way. Boise Zoo just weeks prior opened their new African exhibit and we went and watched the 2 new giraffes in amazement. Sadly, we learned yesterday that Shinga the shorter giraffe, went back to live with Heavenly Father.
Here's my way of saying Carpe diem!!

See the two big pumpkins that I'm leaning on. Not only did our tiny little garden produce enough vegetables for our family to make a ton of salsa, it also popped out two giant pumpkins! Aren't they beautiful. The vines were spreading so we threw them over the fence and we grew the giant one (far right) hanging down the side of the fence. They make great elbow rests too. I think every kid in the neighborhood has sat on our giants. Don't mind all the finger prints on the window behind the pumpkin carvers, just our way of saying: "Kids welcome here!"

Happy Halloween from the Petersons:
Dave and Kami
Bumble Bee, Snow White and Iron Man