Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Christmas Vacation

Our favorite person in the world-Gramma thank you so much for having us. We had the best Christmas!

We stood and stood (Dave sat in a plastic chair from the food court and held a sleeping Autumn in line) and stood in line to get pictures with Santa (and it was one of those lines where you have to pay a ridiculous amount of money for a few pictures). The kids get up to take a picture with Santa both the photographer and I snap a few shots and then we leave.

(Right before we left Santa told Gavin and Noah that he peeks in on him now and again and sees them fighting!! Gavin looked so sheepish (got to love a conscience-didn't phase Noah). I looked wide eyed at Santa and held in a chuckle. Then he told them to be nicer to each other for me! I like that Santa.)

Brent- thanks for being so patient with my kids. They love you and Eric so much.

Christmas Eve dinner at the Happy Panda, we had nine happy pandas after that dinner -so yummy!


Guys chillin.

Guys buildin.

Guy Smiley?!?

Neeeeeerrrrrr Neeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr

Right in the middle of opening presents Christmas morning Autumn wanted to take a bath. I looked at her for a second and then said, "OK..... it's Christmas let's go." Mayber she'll make this a new tradition, bubble bath on Christmas morning.

After the bath she wanted to watch some Dora!!

This little puppy that barks was given to her by her Great Grandma Peterson "Nonna"

Just a little excited!

Eric, Gavin and Brent.



Ready to ring in 2009.

2009 here we come!

Don't look at this sword, it will cut you just by looking at it, "ouch!!"

I love this picture of Noah, I don't know why but it makes me laugh.

Thank you Marcia for putting up with all the craziness. I love having you as a mother-in-law!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Princes Loot (Mindy is the Best)

My sister Mindy had our family for Christmas this year and she got Autumn all "Princessed Up" Autumn absolutely loves it. I wish I would have taken a picture when she first opened the present. She was soooo excited.

Discovering all the awesomes: "lip scotch" (lip gloss)
bracelets, mirror, purse, dress etc.

Still looking at the loot in the princess castle.

She was in princess heaven.

Here she is in her gown and tiara, how fun -we love it and she loves it!!

Christmas at Our House

I love Christmas trees with homemade ornaments. Beautifully ordained trees are nice to look at but every time I see my tree with the ornaments made by my children, I feel a little piece of sentiment creep into my heart that I could never have otherwise.

What is it about decorating the Christmas Tree?

Family Home Evening in December. I love Mary in the Snow White Dress. They love to act out stories from the scriptures.

Christmas morning. Autumn's is good as long as she's snugglin her mom and holding her stocking candy.

They loved their NSECTs!

Stocking Caps and Runny Noses

Noah and Autumn had fun making it.
I had fun reading my book and watching them make it.

Stocking caps and runny red noses.

Happy kids and and cold toeses.

Love those Idaho winters.

Thanksgiving in February

Noah keeps calling Valentines Day - Thanksgiving. He knows there is a holiday, but which one? I guess Thanksgiving is good. Since I never posted our Thanksgiving trip I figured I do it today.

Lexi and Abby- lots of tongue

Ana in her kitchen about to chop something. I have that adorable apron too!!

Stratton, Gavin, Noah and Briggs. Funny faces and ice cream, doesn't get any better.

Playin with pumpkin play dough.

A bunch of toe headed cousins shakin their homemade ice cream.

Baby Ana, Kari, and Lindsey(back from the mish)

Me and Lindsey in front of the Jordan River Temple (we went to a 6:30 am session, thus the glasses, gotta get that lazer eye surgery.)

Nice tongue Linds, is that your man catching face?

Mari smiling with a wave.

Ana just smiling big.

Autumn and her cousin Alta. She is always asking to go to Alta's house.

Noah's Awesome!

Here's Noah helping me make sugar cookies. Oh we like to turn the Kitchen Aid on High and let the flower fly!! What fun is cooking without making a mess. I've learned just to expect a mess and then if we don't have a mess, yeah -less clean up.

Here's Noah we made a cake and he decorated it with some mints I found in the pantry. Quite proud of the cake.

I can't exactly remember what went wrong here. I think the towel hanger (aka the shooter) may have accidentally imploded in the face. I love Noah's creations.

Yet another creation ala Noah. Here's the run down.
Helmut=large paper sack
Suit of Armor=brown garbage sack
Arm Guns=shopvac tubes
Arm Launcer=goldfish box

Wonder what he'll come up with next?