Sunday, July 29, 2007

Gavin's First Day of School 7/25/2007

It was Gavin's first day of school. This is a picture of him in his mom and dad's bed. He was so excited he got up early so I told him to sleep a little longer in my bed. He woke up excited and stayed that way all day.

I took pictures of him getting ready. We did our act of kindness and this is Gavin and Autumn fixing their hair (back pack is on!!).

My three little sweet hearts so cute!!

His favorite part of the day: the Bus Ride!! It was hard for me to let Gavin go on this bus with a bunch of stangers. He was confident and ready to got but I didn't want to let him go, I held back the tears.

After Gavin got on the bus we met him at his school for a Boo Hoo Breakfast for all the moms. This is Gavin standing outside his classroom # 6!! Gavin got right in his classroom and found his chair sat down and started coloring. The little girl next to him was crying this didn't seem to bother Gavin.
What a fun day!!


Dave said...

Hi Kam. What a fun way to share with the family. Thanks for doing it. I think your Mom cried each time one of you left for the first day of school.

Love, Dad

Jason Mitchell said...

I can't believe he's old enough to be going to school. That's crazy! I can't imagine how you felt Kami. I don't think I'll let any of my kids go to the bathroom by themselves let alone SCHOOL! :)

Gavin you look so excited for school I hope you had a rockin' day and enjoyed your teacher and you classroom and all your new friends! See you Thursday!