Caribbean here we come! What better way to start the year than to go on a cruise. We sailed on the Carnival Dream there was 4,500 cruisers and 12oo of them were aged 12 and younger! They catered to families with 4 water slides, mini-golf and all the ice cream you can eat.
This was our first stop- Nassau Bahamas. We are all so pasty!
Noah loved these animal towels and the ice cream one day he had four bowls before lunch, he was in kid heaven.
This is Autumn's peace sign before Gavin taught her how to properly throw it up.
How high can you go? How high can you go? Apparently not high enough. This sand was so soft and fun to play in they all took their turn being buried.
Snorkeling didn't disappoint Gavin and Dave brought back their prizes to show. Now Gavin's Conch sits proudly up in the kid's bathroom.
Is that ice cream in your hands again Noah? Oh yes, what else could it be.
They would have stuck their tongue on it if they could get any closer.
It was awesome, to say the least. Look for more to come