Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We were ghosted!!

So we "Ghosted" some of our friends. On the second house we "ghosted" we totally got busted. We didn't know that their dead bolt was broken so they opened their garage door. Noah peeked his head around and they saw him. They walked over to where we were huddled together and just looked at us in wonderment, but the funny thing is Connor, their son, totally knew what was going on and ran for the hallow ween treats.

Gavin and Noah being so sneaky!


Dinger said...

We got "BUSTED" too by the Weymouth family!! Oh well, it was still a lot of fun. I can't believe that holidays are just around the corner!

Michelle said...

I saw all of your little signs around your neighborhood. We got "busted" on one of ours, because the husband was outside. Oh well, we swore him to secrecy!